
Vegetable Broth

#1 Food waste. You make good use of all vegetable scraps by saving and freezing them. Thérèse recommends old celery, carrots, onions, fennel, garlic, and leeks. You can even throw in dried mushrooms as well as their stems.

#2 Sodium. You control the amount of salt you add, mostly for flavor. Store bought veggie broth is notoriously high in sodium to make up for the lack of flavor in their ingredients and saltier foods are more resistant to microbial growth, ewww! Freezing extra broth is the best way to preserve all the flavor.

#3 Flavor. There is no denying that the depth of flavor in homemade broth is phenomenal, not to mention healthy.

Here’s a quick view of ingredients you can include:

  • Celery

  • Carrots

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Fennel

  • Leeks

  • Rosemary

  • Sage

  • Thyme

  • Juniper berries

  • Dried mushrooms


Put everything in a big pot filled with water and simmer for hours!


Instant Pot Beans


Grains and Fiber